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Friday, June 29, 2007

I changed back the song,just so you know and the title and the words at the bottom of my entries.

I guess things in this blog should just be left the way it was and never be changed.

Just like how my love for you would never be changed.

11:48 PM

Just so you know

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Hello everyone!:)

I moved to-http://cherly06.livejournal.com/

Pls relink!Thanks!:)

10:06 PM

Just so you know

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Lets play a different game than what we are playing.

Training for pop in the morning.Training was real tough and stress mans.Gave princess the brownies I baked for her.After pop training attended the camp.I set up 4 pits of fire by myself!Yayy!We had outdoor cooking.After outdoor cooking was dinner,princess bought for me kfc zinger meal,yayy:)Thanks princess:)After dinner was confidence walk,I and ruixin set up this really big space with twine all around.And they had to be blind folded and walk through it.And we bluff them there were all kinds of things in front of them when it doesn't even exist.Hahaha!It was really fun though.After that was packing of guides room,scoldings,bathing,supper.Lights out.Because the tent was too stuffy,we went to sleep outside guides room.Then it got too cold,so we went back to sleep in the tent.

Physical training in the morning,breakfast was super fun.Was playing with my juniors and running around in the canteen.The corn was disgusting pls!TSK.Was like eating stones.Qianyu bought for me macs big breakfast!Yayy,thanks qianyu:)After breakfast strike tent,horse shoe formation,lunch.Then it was team building games.Punishment and lecture,then break camp!I was freaking tired pls,so Went home to sleep.Woke at about 6 plus,met anna and ruixin for dinner.Had pepper lunch.Yum yum!Then we went to buy the glitter tattoo for this sat carnival.Went a nearby playground and test out the tattoos.Now I have two tattoos on my arm.Played with swing and all,chat.Anna took photos of me and I looked so ungalm=xAhhh!Went home about ten plus.

Today,training for pop in the morning.Training was really stressful.Training ended early though,yayy.After training went to meet kong rui at her mother workplace to help out.It was a childcare centre and they were having some activities on.Kinda fun helping out.Ate lots of ice cream.After that walked to hougang mall to eat my lunch.Had lunch at kfc.Ruixin came and join us.I was just bullying kong rui all along.Hahaha.Oops.And I even took her watch,her watch is nice!So I'm going to keep it till she comes back from camp.After that she went home,I and ruixin went to meet anna to eat dinner at jalan kayu.Anna seems real quiet though:(After dinner went home.

Camp was really fun though,I and ruixin were kinda slackers,cause we didn't have to take part in the things they do,we just have to teach them stuffs and make sure they do everything the correct way.And plan the activities.

All the trainings and camp plus going out,I fell sick.Well I shouldn't have slept outside guide room and catch a cold.Now I have cough and a sexy voice.Hahaha!My leg muscles isn't getting any better,its getting worse,it really hurts a lot and I can't walk properly:(

During this period of time,I have been tiring myself out,finding all kinds of stuffs to do. Sometimes when I'm like really tired,I will still do stuffs and go out.I won't stop till I'm really exhausted and when I really have to rest,it has come to a point where I will fall asleep anywhere when I usually I don't=xI don't know why am I doing this to myself either:(

I feel like as if I'm suffering from memory loss,or I should say that I blocking out things that I don't want to think or remember.I guess I'm just running away from stuffs I don't want to face.I really don't have the courage to face it,I'm REALLY mentally tired and stress out from what happened.All I want now is not to think about it,I will just let things be this way,it isn't the way I want it to be,but there is nothing I can do about it either.I know I what I really want and I know the answer,but I'm just not ready to face it all:(

I have been having this feeling for quite sometime,but I can't exactly figure out what is this feeling I'm having.Rah,its driving me nuts.

I'm going through so much now,I don't know much longer I can hang on:(

Okay,I'm really tired now,but I guess I will play com games for a while more then rest.

I can feel you are near me, even though you are far away.

11:26 PM

Just so you know

Sunday, June 17, 2007

The more my heart can't get enough:)

Today,went to my grandma house in the morning with my mom.I felt like a really nice daughter to accompany her,normally I would be too lazy=xSo reached grandma house,just slacked there.My aunts asked me why am I so thin now!They said I lost weight!True enough,I went to weigh myself on the weighing machine and actually I was 57kg,now I'm 51 kg!YAYY!BEAMS:)Grandma cooked up a whole table of delicious food and lots of rice dumplings.Ate a lot.Yum yum!My mom bought home at least 18 rice dumplings.Whoo hoo!Went home at about 1.I baked brownies for my mom and for someone.Hahaha.I bet she will be super surpised.Yayy:)Pack all my camp stuff.Camp tml!Yayy!I can't wait:)

I really don't know what I should do:(

10:00 PM

Just so you know

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Today went to pula ubin with ruixin and anna.I must say I really enjoyed myself even though it was superly tiring.After that went to hougang mall to have lunch at macs,went to ruixin house for a while then home.

Happy ONE YEAR anniversary princess!You have always been there for whether rain or shine,24/7.And seriously I don't think anyone else knows me best than you do.Thank you for all you have done for me!I love you very very much!:)See you on monday!

Replies for tags!
Twin:Its really nice to know that your are always there for me:)I love twin and youying!:)
Qianyu:Alrights SHIFU!Thanks to your enlightment I became happier:)

My leg muscles hurts:(Anyway,I'm off to dreamland now,I'm very tired.Goodnight everyone!:)

I don't know if I can take the stress.

9:44 PM

Just so you know

Friday, June 15, 2007

I love you anyway:)

I finally met up with twin,youying and the rest yesterday:)Beams!:)Dinner at chomps and we watched 2oo pounds beauty.Yayy:)

Today,swimming in the morning,15 laps!Lunched with anna and met up with ruixin to go jogging.Dinner with ruixin and jasmine.

Tml pula ubin with ruixin and anna!Yayy.Sounds like holiday for us:)

Next week is girl guides week,
mon-pop training plus camp.
wed-pop training
thur-pop training
sat-carnival at town

All along,I've been blind to the fact that actually life has been very good to me,there maybe a lot bad things that happened in my life one after another,but I guess I deserve it cause I didn't know how to treasure what I had and I didn't see happiness was always there.Its just whether I wanted to accept it or not.I took everything for granted.I seriously regret it.But now everything is different,I have to pick myself up and stop running away from stuffs which I was too afraid to face.Anyway,I can't run away from it for the rest of my life.Its time to face everything.I have decided to do something about my terrible attitude and life,if I don't change it,who will?It may be hard for me right now but I won't give up:)My life ain't that bitter!All I have to do its just open my eyes wide enough and see how nice my life is:)Even if its pretty bitter right now,it can't be anymore bitter.Like qianyu said,I have good friends like her!:)Whats more I could ask for.Beams:)

I have become more positive and I have STOP thinking too much,SERIOUSLY MIRCALES DO HAPPEN!HAHAHA:)

Twin!Pls take care!Remember that I'm always here for you,if nobody takes care of you,youying and I will:)Oh and remember to take your medicine though its sucks,drink plenty of water and get lots of rest!I hope you will get well soon.Then we can go out and have fun again!Yay!:)

Princess kwang sauyan!I missed you!:)

I rather not know anything:(

11:09 PM

Just so you know

Thursday, June 14, 2007

I won't be updating that often,partly cause I'm pretty lost right now,so when I find myself back then I will update more regularly,another reason why is cause I don't wish to come online anymore,I afraid of the things I see.

I don't know what to believe in anymore,my only solution now is to run away from everything.I really don't know what to do.Maybe I'm just better off alone.I just can't explain what I'm going through right now.

I hope I will get to meet up with twin and youying this week,I missed them very much:(

This sat outing with ruixin and anna to pula ubin,finally!We've been wanting to go there.I hope we get don't lost there though=x

My heart feels so heavy sometimes,till the point where I can't breathe.

3:45 PM

Just so you know